How to Make Langue de Chat (Shiroii Koibito) Cookies


Let’s make this popular snack that is a favourite among many!  Langue de chat (literally Cat’s Tongue in French) is a thin crisp cookie that’s baked until the edges brown a little and then chocolate is sandwiched between the cookies. They are best for eating right after baking. LANGUE DE CHAT (SHIROII KOIBITO) COOKIES This recipe uses the Langue de Chat Template Mat INGREDIENTS A: Egg Whites             

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Delicious Earl Grey Chiffon Cake


Have a love for soft, fluffy and spongy cakes?  Search no more, try our easy Earl Grey Chiffon Cake recipe that’s bound to set your heart a flutter!  With its moist fluffy sponge, subtle tea fragrance, and creamy whipped topping, this Earl Grey Chiffon Cake is bound to delight any cake lover. Serve it chilled and it’ll instantly refresh your soul and restart your energy! EARL GREY CHIFFON CAKE Makes 1 x 20cm

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